The Masterclass
Your assignment in Level Four is to help create new maps of the Imaginal Realm. Some locales, like the House of Time, are familiar to us from previous group journeys, but there are many levels yet to be explored, and a whole Astral City to be visited beyond it. We want maps and architectural renderings of these extraordinary places!
We’ll visit collective belief territories, and read selective texts from visionary explorers in several traditions. We will address the need to recognize “bad neighborhoods” and go there only when there is real need and with real protection.
As we grow our familiarity with astral geography, we may find we are engaged in reality creation in realms where the architect is the imagination and the materials – though subtle – are at least as durable as any human construction on Earth.
We'll make time for practical discussions on how to grow dreaming communities and deal with the chaos factors that may arise.
We'll continue to have glorious fun with new journeys and games in the best of all intentional families., coming together from all over the world map.
Class Dates and Time:
Wednesdays, 1pm-4 pm EST
May 7, 14, 21, 28
June 4, 11,18
no refunds