Dream Teacher Training
Level 3

with Robert Moss


This is the culmination of the 3-year training
and a course in human possibility

Starts Wednesday, October 9, 2024

What we can look forward to in Level 3

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Module 1:  Advanced Kairomancy and Shamanic Lucid Dreaming

Module 2: Time Travel 

Module 3: Exploring the Many Worlds

Module 4: The Practice of Dream Archaeology


Module 5: Psychopomp Training

Module 6: Quantum Jumping and Reality Creation

Module 7: Graduation

How will this be unique?

You will be guided to:

  • Invent a New Game
  • Grow an Imaginal Locale
  • Craft a New Journey Script
  • Speak from the Place of the Lion
  • Become a More Potent Dream Ambassador
  • Dream Humanity's Path

Through group journeys and discussion, we will explore how we can contribute as active dreamers and researchers inside multidimensional reality to what may prove to be the foremost contribution of the twenty-first century to science and evolution: the emergence of a true science of consciousness.

Exploring Multidimensional Reality

As dreamers, we can achieve experiential understanding of the multidimensional universe of quantum mechanics and superstring theory. Through group journeys and discussion, we will explore how we can contribute as active dreamers and researchers inside multidimensional reality to what may prove to be the foremost contribution of the twenty-first century to science and evolution: the emergence of a true science of consciousness.

Dream Archeology

The dream archaeologist melds the skills of the dream shaman, the scholar and the detective. We are going to hone and deepen our ability to fold time, enter other eras, and bring back important knowledge and lost rituals. We explore our connections with a family of personalities in different times and places. We contact the ancient ones, study collective karma, and explore the possible origins of the experiment with consciousness on Earth. We seek to develop models of understanding and tools for trans-temporal healing.

Making Supernormal a New Normal

We are natural psychics of a high order in our dreams, when we let down our left-brain inhibitions and just do it. We routinely practice precognition, clairvoyance, telepathy. Such powers are sometimes described as examples of ESP. Today scientists are reviving a better term invented by the great Victorian scientist of the unseen, Frederick Myers: supernormal. Scientists like Dean Radin maintain that quantum entanglement means that supernormal phenomena are inevitable. Laboratory research confirms that supernormal abilities are for real, and that the spectrum of possibility extends to retrocausation; reaching back across time to influence events in the past. We are going to stage our own experiments!

Pychopomp work: Healing Relations with Death and the Departed

We learn how we can open paths to mutual healing for the living and their departed family or friends through our Active Dreaming techniques. We study the practical measures that are required to separate the energies of the living and the dead when the departed remain attached to people and places on the earth plane. We learn how to call in spirit helpers and develop tools and experience to “assist the imaginations of the dead”.

Waymaking and Reality Creation

An approach to manifestation through a combination of creative imagination and shamanic journeying that is both ancient and wonderfully fresh and practical. It is inspired by ancient Polynesian navigators who were able to guide voyaging canoes across thousands of miles of ocean with the help of a practice of conscious dreaming and visualization that produced a strong, living vision of the destination. They taught that if you go to your destination with all your inner senses – taste it, touch it, smell it, feel it on your skin – you are halfway there.

Time Travel and Parallel Lives

As dreamers, we travel to past, future and parallel times. We can use dream information about the possible future to avoid unwanted scenarios and move towards desirable ones. When we bring out skills of shamanic lucid dreaming and dream archaeology to these fields, we may find we can practice the art of quantum jumping and harvest lessons and gifts from parallel selves on our present timeline.

Theriomorphic Healing 

Forging a close relationship with one or more power animals is central to developing the arts of shamanic dream travel and healing. It is invaluable in maintaining healthy boundaries and defending psychic space. A conscious connection with the animal guardians shows us how to follow the natural paths of our energy. A strong working connection with the animal powers brings the ability to shapeshift the energy body and project energy forms that can operate at a distance from the physical body.

Class Dates:


October 9, 16, 23, 30
NovemberĀ 6, 13, 20


Session Details:

Each interactive intensive training and practiceĀ session will be LIVE on Zoom from 1-4pm ET each week. [Please check the hours in your time zone]
If you cannot attend live, you can participate via recordings ONLY if you organize a breakout session with others each week.


The Level Three Dream Teacher Training is only open to certified graduates of Levels One and Two.


Includes original manual written by Robert exclusively for our students and teachers.

Graduates receive a Certificate of Completion


Single payment of $1,295


Tuition Payment Plan

3 payments of $465


Includes original manual written by Robert exclusively for our students and teachers.

Graduates receive a Certificate of Completion


Ava Wolf, level 3 graduate

Whether you are interested in becoming an increasingly expanded version of yourself, being in the continual loving embrace of an international community, being a dream ambassador to create a more true, just, and beautiful world, cultivating creativity, one day gathering in person together, any combination of these, or something I have missed considering here—I recommend the practical magic of this training.

I continue to enjoy being steeped in the material and the company of dreamers, and so appreciate the peer, non-hierarchical nature of this community, and all the encouragement and support within it so freely offered.

For me, every repetition of dream wisdom in subsequent on-line courses is a fresh deepening and nourishment—and in these days, a continuing lifeline.